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Comparison of Existing Solutions

There are a lot of working solutions, but most of them work poorly so here is only a small subset of good ones.

1. video2midi

GitHub Repo stars GitHub watchers

The best solution I've found. Works using Computer Vision analyze.

Has comfortable visual user interface to tweak things.

YouTube: Creating MIDI from hybrid Synthesia Video.
YouTube Video Views

2. sheetesia

GitHub Repo stars GitHub watchers

3. syn2midi

GitHub Repo stars GitHub watchers

4. MIDI-Converter

GitHub Repo stars GitHub watchers

5. pdf-omr-pmerge

GitHub Repo stars GitHub watchers

7. synthesiavideo2midi

GitHub Repo stars GitHub watchers

8. DeSynthesia

GitHub Repo stars GitHub watchers

9. pianoroll_to_midi

GitHub Repo stars GitHub watchers

10. JohnDoesStuff - Getting MIDI from Synthesia videos

No stars as it's even not in a separate repository, but it is actually not a bad project and it's better than a lot of projects above.

YouTube: Getting MIDI from Synthesia videos.
YouTube Video Views